Episode 49: ‘Rango,’ ‘The Adjustment Bureau,’ ‘Take Me Home Tonight,’ ‘Beastly,’ Oscar recap

This week on Movie B.S. with Bayer and Snider …
Film critics Jeff Bayer and Eric D. Snider start with a giveaway of “127 Hours” the only way they know how, with propaganda. They also quickly recap Jeff’s win with the Academy Awards and what that means for Eric. Then, it’s time for movie reviews. First up, “Rango” starring Johnny Depp. Love? Really like? Any way you cut it, go see it. Then it’s “The Adjustment Bureau” starring Matt Damon and Emily Blunt. Again, the boys agree this is a movie worth seeing. Then it’s “Take Me Home Tonight” and “Beastly.” One is better than the other. You can figure out which?
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2 thoughts to “Episode 49: ‘Rango,’ ‘The Adjustment Bureau,’ ‘Take Me Home Tonight,’ ‘Beastly,’ Oscar recap”

  1. May I just say that you had at least ONE listener who knows Jake Suazo (re: comment from Eric on the latest podcast). In fact, I was in a show with Jake at HCTOrem (“See How They Run”) and Eric came to see it! And I was nervous because I had read Eric’s theater reviews on his website and was freaked out that he would rip us to shreds. But he wasn’t there to review it–he was there to see his many friends in the cast. Phew.

  2. My experience of Rango was negative. Yes, the animation was beautiful and the direction stylish, but I had no laughs, not even a chuckle. Several children cried and one had to be removed by their parent.

    My rating? Two crushed M&M’s found on an office chair.

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